Pottery Blog

If you're looking for something to do near Whitefish Montana or Glacier National Park, you can book a lesson with Steve or enjoy reading some of the following ceramic articles.

The Lifestyle of a Potter

Embracing the Artisan Lifestyle: In a world often dominated by mass production and consumerism, there is a growing appreciation for the artisan lifestyle—a life centered around craftsmanship, creativity, and a deep connection to the materials and processes involved in...

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The Enduring Appeal of Pottery

Embracing Timeless Beauty: In a world where trends come and go, timeless art holds a special place, transcending the constraints of time and fashion to captivate and inspire across generations. Pottery, with its rich history and timeless appeal, offers individuals a...

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Explore Color in Pottery

The Intricacies of Glaze and Color Theory Pottery, with its rich history spanning civilizations and cultures, offers a unique canvas for artistic expression. One aspect that adds depth and dimension to pottery is the use of glazes and color combinations. In pottery...

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Adapting Creativity

Adaptive Creativity: Navigating Unexpected Outcomes in Pottery Making In the world of pottery, as in life, adaptability is a valuable skill that can lead to unexpected discoveries and creative breakthroughs. Pottery lessons offer a unique opportunity for individuals...

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Learn the Science of Clay

A Pottery Journey into Microscopic Depths Pottery, an ancient art form dating back millennia, holds within it a wealth of scientific knowledge waiting to be unearthed. At its core lies clay, a humble yet versatile material whose properties and behavior are governed by...

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The Power of Durable Pottery

Crafting Lasting Masterpieces: In the world of pottery, durability and resilience are essential qualities that elevate pieces from mere creations to lasting masterpieces. While fine china has its charm, many individuals seek pottery that is sturdy and robust, capable...

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Pottery Classes are Fun!

Importance of Fun in Cultivating a Fulfilling Life Embarking on a journey filled with enjoyment and delight is essential for fostering a fulfilling life. Having fun contributes to our overall well-being and allows us to experience life to the fullest. Here's how...

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Dealing with Rude Customers

Navigating Unpleasant Interactions in the Pottery World: A Guide for Artists In the world of pottery and art, interactions with customers and clients are an inevitable part of the process, and while most encounters are positive and enriching, there may be instances...

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